Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ahhhh! so much has happened! Where to start?

Megan, fitting in nicely...
camp on nye near the water tower and SPAZ camp
uhhhh, they still sell thunderbird?!
biggest selection of cheap ass wine I've ever seen!!!
some cool graffiti near some interesting bunker/water feature of some sort...

sunset from camp

camp...notice table (with tarp windblock) and two chairs (one of which is a rocking chair!)
So shmee and I spent about week in portland, and left the day after christmas. She's moving to the east coast so she sold everything, and I put my junk in storage. Didn't get to see everyone, but I miss y'all! I miss biking too...an unfortunate (to be ridiculously understated) thing happened to my bike on the roof rack the first night of the road trip...I smashed the frame completely. I ordered a new frame with $200 off from cannondale. It's their "frame exchange program" where they send you a new one, and they take the old one. I kind of wanted to keep the old one and make something out of it, but that would've probably never happened, so it's better they have it. I need a seatpost and seat as well. Shmee's bike suffered ripped handlebar tape (which was new and pretty and white). It is repaired now though, and has been returned to it's gleaming whiteness!

So we're in Slab City California http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slab_City now, and it is literally sandwiched between a two store town and a bombing range. Good thing someone told us about the bombing range, cuz we were interested in hiking to the mountains in the middle of the bombing range!

I found a bike today cuz I've been jonesing so hard. It just needed tubes, but there's no bike store in town...or they might have sold them, but then the chain broke! doh!! It was almost bliss....or at least for a short time. I left it on the side of the road. It was a beautiful old schwinn that lots of people would be riding in portland and pay $300 for....

We have an awesome camp setup. We found a table and two folding chairs in the free pile near salvation mountain http://www.salvationmountain.us/ .

the SPAZ crew had a bus, trampoline and boooming sound system (with rather uninspired beats though. Seems a shame to have a generator, lights and all that out here and have such crappy beats!).

the best though was open mic night on new years eve...I got on stage like three times and everyone dug it!!! I played with two guys from the east coast and they had a few stones songs, originals, and I even suggested folsom prison blues from johnny cash. Crowd loved our rendition of that probably the best of all the songs.

Then I got up with some guy named manuel with some sort of weird, hyper, off rhythm strangeness. Another guy was really tight and he kept me in check. I was happy to stay with him, but part of the time I was like, "Hey, I'm sluggin back jameson's and it's open mic night on nye! how good do you expect it to be?!".

So now I'm in the freedom cafe and I'm on the internet, and apparently they're upgrading it soon! haha! this place is wild!

Here's some more pics...

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