Saturday, April 16, 2011

hangovers, body bags, trail running shoes and Europe here we come!

So I've partied like a rockstar, done little planning, and now with Europe just 5 days away things are getting critical! Time to get to work!

I've figured out a few things though like what I'm bringing. I'm going super lightweight. Just my mission workshop backpack and my (friend Erik's) surly cross check bike. I still need to buy some trail runners (all around good shoes), and I've found a sweet, bright red pair, but I'm so reluctant to spend $110 on fucking shoes!! although my last pair lasted quite a long time and served me very well. ahhh maybe it's worth it.

so, where do body bags fit in? Well, I'll be using two army surplus body bag liners for my personal shelter if it rains. The actual body bag would have been perfect....if it were waterproof!
Now, why do I need two liners? Because these liners are sized for a person about 4'5" tall...With two of them I can juuuuuuust keep my feet dry.

As far as hangovers, well....I haven't seen y'all in a while, so I went a little overboard. Plus, when I have no place to stay I tend to hit Prost! and then try to find a couch to crash on. Problem is I get too ridiculous, then I just want to ride my bike, and then I end up passed out in my car...of course now I have my body bag liners! ($3.45 each!).

I have a basic route planned once I leave Italy, but still need to determine my route from zurich through the swiss alps and then through the Italian Alps to Chiavari. Kind of a big blank to fill in, but I have found some cycling routes and what not. Just not exactly where I want to go....but very beautiful routes!

I've got the car taken care of. A friend will take it on who needs a car. When she can pay me, she will, but for now I'm just making sure someone is driving it. I still need to store important papers and all that stuff, but I've had some offers for that too. My instruments are all being stored or used. I've given away the bulk of my clothes. I'll keep a small duffel for when I return, but thats it. Kind of exciting, but I also feel like maybe I should be putting all this energy into a business or a band or standup comedy. But who knows where this may lead. I may not come back! That's right, if I like I'm going to find out a way to stay...or bike my way to thailand or something.

With that I will sign off and see you all later! It's late and I need my rest!

1 comment:

  1. hey brett if you need any contacts in ireland or belgium i got you
    dan dan the bike man


these comments are probably from people i know...therefore they should be ignored at all costs!!