Tuesday, June 7, 2011


So today I got the call from www.lafugia.cc, and I am headed to Nice, France tomorrow where I'll be picked up. I'm going to be doing support for a unique bike tour that starts Thursday! He said this tour will be just support, but he has other tours from now until July 20th that will need riders, and so I will get my chance! WOO HOO!

Below is the team from Peralta...Laura, who made the best lunches in the world...in fact I lived for the lunches at Peralta, which she would begin cooking that morning or even the night before. I don't know where I'll find better cooking and more abuse than from Laura! The wine was amazing (I'm drinking some now), and Kate who is intelligent in all things and super gracious and has a wonderful, witty and sharp sense of humor. Dina (spelling?) who is the owner of the place that took it over from the previous owner a famous artist Fiore de Henriquez (her work is all over the hamlet) is wonderfully English and put up with me for almost two weeks! And of course Laurie who brought me to the place and is responsible for me being able to actually work there!!

Thanks to all!!

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