Friday, June 17, 2011

ze Franch expeeree-ents!

I was commenting on how tiny this pickup "truck" was...then the police municipale noticed me...And they wanted in!

So...I've had no internal or external dialogue about France before my trip except that a friend is living in Paris and another friend recommended Brittany area (Brittany Grey is great salt btw). So without any mental preparations conscious or otherwise, including a lack of geographical knowledge of the area I went on the trip. And France was somewhat of a change, as I can't really say it was a "shock" because it wasn't like going from say Russia to Thailand. However first thing I noticed wast he trains were on time and much fancier/techie/cleaner than the Italian ones. The ticket checkers on board seemed to have a corporate dress policy as hip casual. Some looked like straight up hipsters with some minor hat or pin that said SNCF.

The architecture was much more intricate with more detailed iron railings and much more carving in the stone/walls/facade's/etc. Colorwise it is much more drab. Everything is a shade of a very similar tannish-brown. Italy is much more colorful!

I think where France really excels though is the fact that most of the women are topless on the beach...So knowing summer what the hell is the point of doing anything else in France!
Their attitude is either of welcoming friendliness or they wear a permanent frown/scowling face that one has to chip away at just to have a conversation.

French food...I tried foie gras and steak tartar...both good, however foie gras is pretty evil. The rest of French food is filled with dairy so it was a little tough negotiation that. Otherwise they have a ton of pasta dishes as well.

The French noses which although not necessarily or always large have prominent shapes to their schnozzes.

Overall, do I like France? I like the beach, and it is extremely pretty there. However I can't say I've had enough time there to give a solid yes or no. I would like to explore the beaches more though.

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