Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm on the internet, and here's what I've found!

Wisconsin kid shoots up the room and then swat or the kid shoots himself

holy F#$#$ dumbass americans...shopping

(nowhere near as good as the british version, but fun!)

3 days of fun! In Prescott, headed to Flagstaff and then petrified forest

coldest outdoor gig yet! Of course flagstaff was colder, but it was indoors so only the loading/unloading was heinously cold at 8 degrees!

They'll let anyone drive the kids around in buses these days!

Well, this is fun, and to the point.

My hair is doing fine, thanks for asking

So we're headed tonight to Flagstaff and then tomorrow to see the petrified forest (http://www.nps.gov/pefo/index.htm) and eventually head to Durango for our next show...which should apparently be epic!

I've been biking around Prescott, but have had to get some errands done. WE've uploaded the video of our latest show as well! Although I couldn't find it on youtube yet, but I did find this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gidumziw4JE

I bought a brick of drumsticks as I keep breaking them during shows. Three is my record during a show so far.

I left my shoe goo, which has been very vital to both mine and megan's shoes thus far, at the gig last night, so I had to pick up that too. When I was leaving town on the bike though I had to return and let megan borrow my laptop in order to better deal with some stupid, arcane law school application website (I have w7 and she has an old mac).

Can't wait to hit durango as I've never been there. Also the petrified forest and painted desert are both supposed to be spectacular. Actually all of northern Arizona has been incredible!

Oh and my hair is doing well and here are some other interesting shots from the trip!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

things are hard to keep up with!

So things have been quite a blur even more than normal since the addition of my girl. We're now in Flagstaff az and the weather is bad enough that we're determining whether we can drive the bus across town or not. It's like 20 deg and snowing out right now...I'm loving it! I haven't been in snow in so long!
We played at the navajo indian reservation last night on the top of a huge hil...outside...in 20 deg weather!!! When I touched my cymbals my fingers would be numb for like twenty minutes. It was awesome since there were two great bands ahead of us too. They were all native americans so that was cool to be with a new crowd of people. The first band blew our minds! They were called let the world die. They played every type of metal, and ska/reggae mixed in. Sort of like soulfly, slayer, and some ska/reggae bands mixed in. The drummer had this "double bass" that was actually two bass drums end to end...so it looked like a cannon!
Second band was sort of an electronic duo, I didn't see much of them because I was offloading the bus.
We played and my bass drum head broke middle of the first or second song (I can't remember). So I got to use the huge "double bass!" I broke three sticks during the show, and my snare stand failed halfway through holy war. Then, while loading the bus I got to speak with the cops!

So I'm peeing next to the bus in this strange sort of just sandy scrub area between houses and trailers and horse corrals. I see what looks like a cop car, so stop things short. Sure enough he sneaks around the bus and looks at the band equipment like it's pounds of cocaine or guns or child porn or something. He asks for ID and I say "why?" He didn't like it, but I didn't like him either. Then he started in on the stupid cop questions. "hey you guys are too loud." (well yeah, we were done though, since we were obviously loading up!) "Oh I know! I was listening." (so then you doubly know were done you douchebag!) He also says that it's a crime not to offer up your ID when they ask, so offer it up. The other toolbox comes over and takes it and relays it back to idiot headquarters. Finally we talk them down and continue loading. Then everyone that watched the show, started coming up and telling me how cool it was and they wanted to buy stuff! I had not sold the band merch yet, so i was trying to find everything, keep them interested and then get change...it reminded me of working for Clear. But this was much different, because it was colder, I actually was part of the product and there wasn't any contracts, fancy clothes or any other bullshit! wohoo!!

Since Tucson though, we played at Conspire which was awesome! played outside! Tons of people, fun, drinks, madness, mosh pits with swirling dust clouds, nakedness in mosh pits and on stage. I found a loin cloth with matching bra thing sort of outfit and wore it all night...

blah blah blah, I gotta get off this computer! ahhh!

Oh, and here's some pics of hawaii, returning to tour...etc. etc...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

out of tucson into phoenix

So I've received many texts asking my whereabouts. I was in tucson, had two shows at the dry river collective. The first was tough since Michael left his guitar in san diego, and they were all wiped out from their awesome tijuana trip...had I gone, I might be writing this from jail, but I was in hawaii thank god! But enough on that...what happens in tijuana blah blah blah.
The second show was full electric with an intermittently working stratocaster for michael. I think we pulled off a great show though. There was only one broken nose/concussion.
The biggest news was that Megan showed up Monday and so we stole away to a cheap motel except for the gig.

We had the most gorgeous sunsets on the drive up from tucson, which are characteristic of Arizona...

We're at ASU in tempe, and michael is giving a talk on anarchy and playing a version of the moving "in civ." Megan is enthralled...she's at a school that she applied to law school for and she's listening to the talk on anarchy. I'm in the lobby since I've heard the talk before. The kids are roaming around, pestering, hanging out, having fun. Lanea is here with us chatting. All is well on the bus and in the band. Finances are getting tight, but we should have some pretty good shows coming up, especially starting tomorrow at "conspire" in phoenix.

oh...and megan and i have a hotel room again...with a pool, cuz its WARM!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

tucson by bike

In tucson...craaaaazy show last night, super awesome at che cafe...jake took the helm and drove all night along with michael and angela...here in tucson, about to get on the bike and ride around all afternoon! Super sunny, nice and warm out...probably gonna get burned, but fuck it! I'm in Az baby!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

kailua bay and lanikai!! Kayak trip!

So today we hit apparently the second best beach in hawai....I'm sure it's not, but oh well, it was pretty friggin wow! No pics yet because we had an analog waterproof camera that we didn't even use the whole roll on. We kayaked out to two separate islands, one of which was surrounded by a great surf spot. On the second one I met some peeps and got to go stand up paddle boarding! Pretty neat, I only fell once....tip: don't go sideways to the waves.
Went snorkeling around the island, oh and my dad almost got severely hurt when a huge wave came over the side of "the queens bathtub." Here's a link...in the middle on the right side there's a lady laying in it...the side of it is the side of the island where the waves hit. Once washed over the top and swept my dad from the smaller tub into the bigger. There was a minute there though when I thought he was gonna float up with a huge head injury....
Then we had dinner at an awesome little local place based on the rec of two very tattooed local girls who were kind enough to give me a beer on lanikai beach...was the best beer ever, and it was miller lite...so if you know me, you know that the situation dictated that I enjoy one of the worst beers ever!
The cool thing about the uahi grill is that they don't serve alcohol but they have a BYOB policy! So we went and got a sixer of sapporo and almost polished it off...

after heading home I tried to convince dad to hit the strip club just for shizzles and giggles...maybe tomorrow night...he was pooped and has to work tomorrow.

So I wandered waikiki and really am not a fan of the night life, which was minimal cuz its so early here. I ended up buying a book from the dollar book store (not affiliated with any dollar store). Called "the Perils of prosperity 1914-1932 by william e. leuchtenburg. That's like buying a book called "why rich people suck" when on rodeo drive. So based on book guys rec I went to the red lion, which was a pretty chill just bar, which is what I wanted. I read my book, had a guinness...then started back out on the street and had a chair massage...that shit wiped me out and so I headed home to get up early and surf!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

here's the link to fared shafinury in tunnel, audio track via iphone! http://www.radio4all.net/responder.php/download/47163/53054/68028/?url=http://www.radio4all.net/files/bottomupradicalnetwork@gmail.com/3701-1-middle_Eastern_Tunnel_Tunes.mp3
no pics, but I survived many things today...makaha beach with huge backwash, locals and 20 ft waves, and a board that I'm not at all familiar with! Then at tracks with nice 5 ft waves and about 5 ft deep water I survived except for two cuts, one on each foot...
Tomorrow I'll have an 8 ft board and six foot waves and if it's as good as adam says it is...I may in fact be in surfing bliss!

sorry no pics, but an iPhone usually screams haole!
Here is the guy in the tunnel playing middle eastern tunes...Actually Fared Shafinury was his name...for more info you can email him at fared @ faredshafinury.com

also posted soon, there should be a link to the audio I recorded of it!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

makapu'U State wayside on Oahu!

Dad and I went for a little hike...didn't get to hit the log jump at the secluded beach, but hey, he's 65! Afterwards we hit up lanikai beach (sorry, no pics), then ate at the crouching lion...way out in locals area...having fun in the camaro too!!

You can barely see the guy jumping off the log that's sticking out into that little channel of water...wanted to jump off it so bad!
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Hair shots...this time its sun and surf not grease and grime!

Friday, November 12, 2010

First morning in santa barbara

Just went for a swim and we have a gig tonight!! Tomorrow i fly to hawaii!!

Big sur sunsets by bike

Waterfalls and sitars

So me and new biking buddy dan saw this cove with waterfall. Uh oh wow! Then theres a sound tunnel with a middle eastern guy playi g sitar and singing...holy fucking wow!

Bike porn in big sur!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


We made an amazing live recording of an intimate half acoustic set at the fernwood grill in Big Sur!!! We'll try and post it somewhere tomorrow so stay tuned!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We're going to record tonights show!!

Hopefully it works! Its a chill, reduced kit set including djembe floor tom high hat bass drum and ride cymbal...

Inviato da iPhone


Inviato da iPhone
Test 123
Bus pics going north on the 1 from Santa Cruz

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In October of 1966, in Oakland California, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. And this is the house where it all began

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So this is a good indicator of last night's ridiculousness....I had to buy a new fire extinguisher for the hotel in the morning....

We stayed in san fran at the Green Tortoise last night at the request of the owner, who is an amazingly great guy and his wife is as well. We met them in vallejo at Chris's Club. So at least we got something good out of chris's club!

First the Green Tortoise. They are huge advocates of drinking and partying and overall ridiculousness. They have a basket of condoms at the front desk. The dining room has a stage and a PA system...they feed you, they have $10 massages and a sauna for free. It is like the best party hotel you could ever want. It is officially a hostel though. The only problem was many of the temporary inhabitants and travelers were pretty damn uptight.

The show: we had our first pre show huddle/pass-the whiskey-bottle...Dre is a huge fan of whiskey. We had a new person on the bus...Mikey who could be Kyle Taylors brother...they are very similar!
We played at nine, tons of tech issues with feedback, and their soundguy wasn't around so we did the best we could. They weren't understanding or receptive of the words that Michael was speaking. So we all got naked, but all the audience was just sitting on their ass watching. At one point I stood up (naked of course) on my drum chair and threw a set of drum sticks at the audience...they threw them back...it was fun.
We played well, I had a large vodka and cran that I finished during our set. I think the highlights for me were an impromptu drum solo during a long lull between songs, and definitely the percussion jam starring me on drums, mikey on djembe, and other assorted stomping and singing and drums. ( I can't quite remember).

Post show we sequestered the gear to the side and went ahead and started to tie one on! The rest of the night is hazy but I'll give it a shot.

I stayed naked for quite a while after the show...after slugs of whiskey and another cape codder and hanging out for a while at a table...I knew I was in trouble because I couldn't remember the lyrics or quite handle playing (the very simple) Super theory of supereverything by gogol bordello...uh oh I thought...this will be interesting.

The front desk lady was super cool and made it clear up front that she could not be "entered" at the moment. I thought this was an interesting statement to make right up front before we'd really had any conversation at all, but since I have a gf (whom I miss a lot!) there was to be no drama and we became immediate best friends. After a while I was like "Hey! lets go fuck up the town lady!!" So me, her and Jake headed over to a dive bar down the block...which in san fran is literally "down" the block at like a crazy hill...

After ordering a round at the bar and finding out post-ordering that it's cash only I was a little miffed...because atms have like $3,000 fees in san fran. So I bet the bartender a guiness that if the fee was $3.50 or higher he owed me a beer...if less, then I would buy him a beer...he was a bullshit tough guy and without any sense of humor. I also told him the music sucked and he should change it.

So I zooted across the street to some smoke/bong shop and while using the atm inquired about buying the largest sword they had...but $75 was a little much just to scare the bartender...I tried to just borrow, but apparently people in san fran are pretty inflexible...whatever!

We pushed shit out of the way and dance swing and salsa...And then my memory is hazy. Apparently after that bar closed we went back to the hostel and did cartwheels all the way, in the road, and a I tried to get a cab driver into it...he just wanted to watch though. Again...inflexible people!! I think I screamed a lot too...

We continued the insanity in the ballroom at the dirty tortoise. I dumped a huge box of condoms on the pool table...the night staff was not amused with me...inflexible bastards!

At some point on the way to my room I grabbed a fire extinguisher...its whereabouts are a mystery at this point and in the morning I was told I was caught on camera and had to buy a new one at $62.99...Oh and btw we got up at like 8 am to load the bus and get the fuck out cuz the meter maids were diligent about getting us out of there...I met a french girl that just bought a bike and is cruising all the way to joshua tree...she may meet us up in big sur. We got coffee and croissants. Apparently the croissants met with her approval, as did the coffee, and apparently good bakeries are hard to find in France anymore...wtf is this world coming tooooo!!!!

In big sur now, done setting up, getting a feeling like I'm getting a cold, but I wanted to communicate/remember all I could. Love you all, miss you all.

last.fm has our songs for free as well! http://www.last.fm/music/Holy!+Holy!+Holy!/_/Smash+the+Walls
(this is from a few days ago...)

So i was gonna post this to fb but apparently its too long. If i can type it on my phone its not too long!!!

Last night we rocked the fuckin house. Some stats. Band; 100% naked. Audience 35% naked. Average cute girl age 16. Bands played 3. Hip hop acts 1. New bruises on dre approx 6 including ribs stompedand foot injury. Rockstar coconut juice and vodka beev drank = 1 large water bottle now lost. 1 pair socks lost. 1 large girl checking people onto white dog on white couch. Number of hhh songs played = 5 before neighbors shut us down. Band merchandise ganked = way too fucking much. Thanks to homeless people band and beltane fire and that other cute girl that played. Thanks to hellarity. Breakfast was bangers n mash and collard greens eggs broccoli coffee and party and bullshit and party..!!...On our way to santa cruz!!!