Sunday, November 28, 2010

things are hard to keep up with!

So things have been quite a blur even more than normal since the addition of my girl. We're now in Flagstaff az and the weather is bad enough that we're determining whether we can drive the bus across town or not. It's like 20 deg and snowing out right now...I'm loving it! I haven't been in snow in so long!
We played at the navajo indian reservation last night on the top of a huge 20 deg weather!!! When I touched my cymbals my fingers would be numb for like twenty minutes. It was awesome since there were two great bands ahead of us too. They were all native americans so that was cool to be with a new crowd of people. The first band blew our minds! They were called let the world die. They played every type of metal, and ska/reggae mixed in. Sort of like soulfly, slayer, and some ska/reggae bands mixed in. The drummer had this "double bass" that was actually two bass drums end to it looked like a cannon!
Second band was sort of an electronic duo, I didn't see much of them because I was offloading the bus.
We played and my bass drum head broke middle of the first or second song (I can't remember). So I got to use the huge "double bass!" I broke three sticks during the show, and my snare stand failed halfway through holy war. Then, while loading the bus I got to speak with the cops!

So I'm peeing next to the bus in this strange sort of just sandy scrub area between houses and trailers and horse corrals. I see what looks like a cop car, so stop things short. Sure enough he sneaks around the bus and looks at the band equipment like it's pounds of cocaine or guns or child porn or something. He asks for ID and I say "why?" He didn't like it, but I didn't like him either. Then he started in on the stupid cop questions. "hey you guys are too loud." (well yeah, we were done though, since we were obviously loading up!) "Oh I know! I was listening." (so then you doubly know were done you douchebag!) He also says that it's a crime not to offer up your ID when they ask, so offer it up. The other toolbox comes over and takes it and relays it back to idiot headquarters. Finally we talk them down and continue loading. Then everyone that watched the show, started coming up and telling me how cool it was and they wanted to buy stuff! I had not sold the band merch yet, so i was trying to find everything, keep them interested and then get reminded me of working for Clear. But this was much different, because it was colder, I actually was part of the product and there wasn't any contracts, fancy clothes or any other bullshit! wohoo!!

Since Tucson though, we played at Conspire which was awesome! played outside! Tons of people, fun, drinks, madness, mosh pits with swirling dust clouds, nakedness in mosh pits and on stage. I found a loin cloth with matching bra thing sort of outfit and wore it all night...

blah blah blah, I gotta get off this computer! ahhh!

Oh, and here's some pics of hawaii, returning to tour...etc. etc...

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