Tuesday, November 9, 2010

(this is from a few days ago...)

So i was gonna post this to fb but apparently its too long. If i can type it on my phone its not too long!!!

Last night we rocked the fuckin house. Some stats. Band; 100% naked. Audience 35% naked. Average cute girl age 16. Bands played 3. Hip hop acts 1. New bruises on dre approx 6 including ribs stompedand foot injury. Rockstar coconut juice and vodka beev drank = 1 large water bottle now lost. 1 pair socks lost. 1 large girl checking people onto white dog on white couch. Number of hhh songs played = 5 before neighbors shut us down. Band merchandise ganked = way too fucking much. Thanks to homeless people band and beltane fire and that other cute girl that played. Thanks to hellarity. Breakfast was bangers n mash and collard greens eggs broccoli coffee and party and bullshit and party..!!...On our way to santa cruz!!!


  1. I just read our tour from finish to start. Love it and you mr dilley.

    1. you too buddy! So you're in the midwest now aren't you? If so then I may have to road trip out and see you and rooster on the way!


these comments are probably from people i know...therefore they should be ignored at all costs!!