Wednesday, November 17, 2010

kailua bay and lanikai!! Kayak trip!

So today we hit apparently the second best beach in hawai....I'm sure it's not, but oh well, it was pretty friggin wow! No pics yet because we had an analog waterproof camera that we didn't even use the whole roll on. We kayaked out to two separate islands, one of which was surrounded by a great surf spot. On the second one I met some peeps and got to go stand up paddle boarding! Pretty neat, I only fell once....tip: don't go sideways to the waves.
Went snorkeling around the island, oh and my dad almost got severely hurt when a huge wave came over the side of "the queens bathtub." Here's a the middle on the right side there's a lady laying in it...the side of it is the side of the island where the waves hit. Once washed over the top and swept my dad from the smaller tub into the bigger. There was a minute there though when I thought he was gonna float up with a huge head injury....
Then we had dinner at an awesome little local place based on the rec of two very tattooed local girls who were kind enough to give me a beer on lanikai beach...was the best beer ever, and it was miller if you know me, you know that the situation dictated that I enjoy one of the worst beers ever!
The cool thing about the uahi grill is that they don't serve alcohol but they have a BYOB policy! So we went and got a sixer of sapporo and almost polished it off...

after heading home I tried to convince dad to hit the strip club just for shizzles and giggles...maybe tomorrow night...he was pooped and has to work tomorrow.

So I wandered waikiki and really am not a fan of the night life, which was minimal cuz its so early here. I ended up buying a book from the dollar book store (not affiliated with any dollar store). Called "the Perils of prosperity 1914-1932 by william e. leuchtenburg. That's like buying a book called "why rich people suck" when on rodeo drive. So based on book guys rec I went to the red lion, which was a pretty chill just bar, which is what I wanted. I read my book, had a guinness...then started back out on the street and had a chair massage...that shit wiped me out and so I headed home to get up early and surf!!!

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